Special Offers
The Special Offers page on Masterhand PRO is dedicated to providing users with exclusive discounts, seasonal promotions, and new offers on various services. If you have a PRO account, you can access this section and discover special offers from top professionals. Here’s how you can make the most of the Special Offers feature:
1. Accessing the Special Offers Page:
To access the Special Offers page, click on “Special Offers” in the drop-down menu located in the top right corner of the website.
Please note that this feature is only available to users with a PRO status. If you don’t have a PRO plan, you can follow the provided link to upgrade your account.
2. Exploring Special Offers:
On the Special Offers page, you’ll find a top section with search parameters.
Enter relevant keywords in the “Keywords” field to refine your search. Use the drop-down menus in other fields to further specify your criteria.
You can clear the search parameters by clicking on “Clear all filters” to see the complete list of available special offers.
3. Viewing Special Offers:
In the bottom section of the page, you’ll find a list of special offers that match your search criteria.
Click on the header of a specific offer to view more details about it.
4. Interacting with Top Professionals:
To engage with the author (Top Professional) of a special offer, visit their profile.
Within the professional’s profile, you can access valuable information such as their rating, skills, endorsements, a short summary, and their portfolio.
If you wish to communicate with the professional, click on the “Send Message” button. For more information on messaging, refer to the “Messages” topic.
The Special Offers page provides a platform for discovering exclusive discounts and promotions from top professionals on Masterhand PRO. By utilizing this feature, users with PRO status can take advantage of special offers that align with their project needs. Explore the available offers, review professional profiles, and leverage the messaging system to communicate directly with the authors. Stay informed about special discounts and make the most out of your Masterhand PRO experience.