Trust & safety

Staying safe and secure online

At Masterhand Pro, we take great measures to help ensure a safe and thriving online workplace. This includes security models that flag suspicious activity, tools that scan site content, and entire teams dedicated to freelancer and client success. But keeping our community safe takes teamwork. Here are some general tips and resources for best protecting yourself and your information online – whether on Masterhand Pro or elsewhere.
Keeping your computer safe
It’s important to keep your computer secure, both inside and out. Consider the following:

Lock, log off, or turn off your computer when not in use Schedule recurring computer scans using antivirus software Keep your antivirus software, browsers, plugins, applications, and operating systems up-to-date (or set them to update automatically).
Safeguarding your private information
Treat your personal information like you would your wallet. Here are some tips:

Choose strong, unique passwords (mix letters, symbols, and numbers) and change them often

Don’t click unknown links, or enter your credentials on unfamiliar sites Don’t leave your computer unattended, and always log off if using a public computer.
Recognizing and avoiding phishing
Phishing is when unscrupulous users try to steal your financial information by impersonating a person or a business. A phishing attempt may:

Invoke a sense of urgency to encourage you to act before you think Come from a familiar sender for believability Contain suspicious URLs or attachments, often with shortened links Include legitimate images like logos Educating yourself and trusting your instincts are key to protecting yourself:

Avoid sharing personal information when it is requested through email Ensure that the message content makes sense, and confirm with the actual business when in doubt Type URLs directly into your browser to prevent yourself from being routed to fake login pages

To report phishing attempts on Masterhand PRO, please contact us.
Protecting yourself from malware
Malware includes computer viruses, spyware, and other intrusive software installed on your computer without your consent. To avoid malware:

Scan downloaded attachments for malware before opening them

Trust your browser’s security warnings for potentially malicious files

If you notice your computer slowing down, serving pop-ups or ads, or any unexpected changes in your browser, have your computer scanned by an antivirus program. Learn more.

To report possible malware on Masterhand PRO, please contact us.
Reporting a concern

To report a user, contact Customer Support. Or click “Report Message” within Masterhand PRO Messages to flag a specific message. To report a job or a user profile, please use the "Flag as inappropriate" link on the page. For more detailed instructions, refer to our help article here.


If you believe you`ve discovered a potential security vulnerability on Masterhand PRO, please email us as soon as possible while following the Guidelines for Responsible Disclosure.