The most valuable form of marketing you could do for your company’s growth is through referrals.

Unlike other business models that focus on chasing new clients and getting a sale through tough cold calls, it is in your company’s favor that referrals seek you out themselves. This way is less expensive, less time consuming, and, unfortunately, not known to many businesses. Referrals are highly effective because they come with a built-in level of trust – and that’s exactly what a company needs to make bigger, more frequent sales.

When businesses receive referrals, they also receive reward benefits.

Benefits count towards the rating of your company and its prospects for further client base growth. With referrals, your business growth becomes exponential – one client can lead to two, two to four, four to eight, and so on.

The easiest sale you make is to the client you already have – and referral system continues to build your client base once you jump-start the process.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, you will get:

  • +1000 points (for Client) and +2000 (for Professional) to your rating score (Do not forget to tell your referrals that they receive +1000 rating points when register with your reference code as well)
  • Your referrals can endorse your skills without making SafePay Deals with you. That will give you more trust with potential customers and many additional rating points much faster.
  • Those Professionals who have more than 100 referrals will receive rewards, rating increase, and special Trust & Activity badges for being PROactive . Those decorations and high rating will single out your business of your competitors, create trust, and attract new potential customers.
Get more referrals and give a boost to your professional network and rating growth. Be PROactive.

You can be in TOP Professionals. Promote your business constantly. Share your profile via email, in social networks, and even offline.