Why should you refer?

As a client, you have the power to recommend a business to some of your contacts in the same field or your friends. While businesses gain benefits from receiving your referrals, there is a degree of social responsibility for a client who refers. Referrals, however, are also where the risk yields the reward.

Once you become a referee, you take a proactive position in your social network. It establishes you as a provider of expert and insider information, and creates a positive impact on those with whom you chose to share it.

With your referrals, you receive reward benefits that elevate your client reputation.

benefits establish you as a reliable and active client to successful businesses and pave the way for easier price negotiations and faster process.

Referral marketing is advantageous for both parties. When businesses initiate referrals, it is your action as a client that establishes a favourable relationship dynamic and manifests authenticity and recognition.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, you will get:

  • +1000 points (for Client) and +2000 (for Professional) to your rating score (Do not forget to tell your referrals that they receive +1000 rating points when register with your reference code as well);
  • Your referrals can endorse your skills without making SafePay Deals with you. That will give you more trust with potential counterparts and many additional rating points much faster;
  • Those Clients who have more than 100 referrals will receive rewards, rating increase, and special Trust & Activity badges for being PROactive . Those decorations and high rating will single you out of other Clients, create trust, and attract beneficial prices and offers from potential service providers.
Get more referrals and give a boost to your network and Client’s rating growth. Be PROactive.

You can be a highly ranked Client- uphold your reputation and increase your rating constantly. Invite new referrals using special tools via email and social networks.